Friday, September 12, 2008

Coming out of the fog

First off I must apologize for being gone so long. I come here on a daily basis, but just can not seem to muster the ability to post.

I think I am finally clearing the fog away and starting to move towards finding a norm again. I recognize that might change, but we are trying.

We did order the "wheelchair" for Sage. I never fully understood what an undertaking this might be. I can remember my parents going through the process of getting a wheelchair for my mom, but I was so far removed from the process. I tried to ask her how she got the process moving along, but she doesn't remember.

We are still working on getting Sage's hearing aids. She currently has "loaners" from USDB, but we need to get them back to them so that some other little child can use them. I can not express how wonderful it was to have that opportunity to try before you buy. Sage is such a complex child that we were not sure that hearing aids would be of any benefit to her. I truly believe that she has been telling us for so long that her ears don't work. Now we have to find a way to keep them on her. She uses her head to scoot herself around, and knocks them off constantly.

Sage also had her initial visit to Schriner's yesterday. They are fitting her for AFO's. I am so excited to see how these will help our little angel. I let Mark pick out the color and design. Hopefully Sage won't hate me when she gets older.

Little miss Fay is doing wonderful. She has started first grade and is loving it. I love to see her excitement. She has a wonderful teacher this year. I have to say this year was hard. The realization that my little girl is growing up and going to school for a full day. But it doesn't even phase her.

Now back to work. Just had to take a break.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Hearing Aids for Sage

Sage finally got her hearing aids. She seems to be doing really well with them. She is actually getting angry when we take them out. She really doesn't pull them out but she does knock them out when she does her scooting. She is also jabbering a lot now.

Amazing what happens when you can hear what is going on around you. I keep imagining that we must have sounded like the adults in the Peanuts cartoons.

Today we had Sage's vision therapist here today. She is so great she works really well with Sage, but I think the most excited person has to be Fay. Fay can't wait for our visits with her. During the visit we have to remind Fay to calm down because she wants to see what fun activities she gets to do. She is such a great helper.

Also received a phone call from the pediatrician. She is helping us start the process of getting Sage a wheelchair. My little 18 lb baby is going to be harder to carry as the days progress. Better get started on the process now.